





Kabutoyama Climbing Area Detailed Information (Local Rules)

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Kabutoyama climbing
Kabutoyama climbing
climbing in Kabutoyama
climbing in Kabutoyama
climbing in Kabutoyama
climbing in Kabutoyama
climbing in Kabutoyama
climbing in Kabutoyama
climbing in Kabutoyama
climbing in Kabutoyama
climbing in Kabutoyama
climbing in Kabutoyama


Kabutoyama is one of the representative climbing areas in central Yamanashi Prefecture. It is highly popular due to its easy access, being just a short distance from Fuefuki City, its sunny conditions that make it climbable even in winter, and the many unique routes it offers.

Although information about the routes had long been kept private, the recent addition of new routes and the development of bouldering areas have led to the publication of a climbing guide.

As part of this publication, local rules regarding the use of parking lots and open fires have been established, so please review them before using the area.

Basic Information


107 lead routes, 81 boulder problems

Rock Type


Season for climbimg

October to May

  • 【Autumn】The season begins when the leaves start to fall and the cliffs become bright and easier to climb as the autumn colors reach their peak.
  • 【Winter】Most of the area is located on south-facing slopes that are shielded from the north wind, making it very warm when the sun hits. This is the best season for Kabutoyama, as it experiences stable sunny weather. In winter, the river dries up, making the riverside boulders climbable.
  • 【Spring】Kabutoyama in spring, with its fresh green leaves and blooming peach blossoms, is also beautiful. During Golden Week, other areas may be crowded, but Kabutoyama is often quieter. After that, insects and humidity increase, making it less suitable for climbing.


Kasugai-cho Kuwado, Fuefuki City, Yamanashi Prefecture

How to get there

By Train

Get off at JR Chuo Line "Kasugaicho Station". About 15 minutes by taxi (approximately 2,200 yen). About 20 minutes from Yamanashi City Station.

By Car (from Tokyo)

Exit the Chuo Expressway at the Ichinomiya-Misaka IC and head towards Isawa/Misaka. Keep in the right lane and proceed to the Tsuboi intersection. Follow Prefectural Route 314 towards Otsuki and National Route 411. Continue for about 3.8 km, turn left at the Kasugaisho Elementary School intersection towards National Route 140, and drive straight for about 1 km. Follow the sign for Kasugaicho Golf Club after passing the elevated road at the ShimoIwashita Ramp.

By Car (from Matsumoto)

Exit the Chuo Expressway at Kofu-Showa IC and head towards Shosenkyo. Continue north on Prefectural Route 5 and turn left at the Jurohashi-Nishi intersection onto Prefectural Route 6 towards Isawa. Enter the West Kanto Road at the Jurohashi-Nishi intersection and take the ShimoIwashita or SHizume Ramp to the general road, heading north to Kasugaicho Golf Club.

Route to the site

① [From ShimoIwashita Ramp] Follow the sign for "Kasugaicho Golf Club Entrance" and continue straight.

② [From CShizume Ramp] Turn left at the intersection after passing under the overpass.

③ After driving about 50m past the sign, turn left just before the white building, and follow the road.

④ Before reaching the golf course entrance, turn right at the sign for "Kabutoyama Trailhead".

⑤ There is a boar protection gate. Open the gate to pass through (be sure to close it after passing).

⑥ Continue alongside the golf course, and at the next fork, turn right.

⑦ At the second fork, marked by a statue of Kannon, turn right and cross the small bridge to reach the parking lot.

Notes for Area Use (Local Rules)


The main concern at Kabutoyama is parking, and there have been numerous issues in the past. To prevent further problems after the area's public opening, please follow the rules below.

▶ Whenever possible, please use the trailhead parking lot. Kabutoyama is a famous Yamanashi 100 Mountain, and parking is used by hikers as well as climbers. Please refrain from illegal parking, reserving spaces (by leaving bags or other items), or occupying spaces for extended periods.

▶ Parking fills up quickly on weekends, so we recommend carpooling in advance. The Kasugai Sports Ground is a nearby and convenient place to meet for carpooling (lower left on the access map).

▶ Please do not park in the space in front of the Kannon statue, as it is used for vehicle turning.

▶ Do not park in front of the gate on the forest road.


There is a public toilet at the trailhead parking lot. The Fuefuki City government manages the facilities, but cleaning and maintenance are infrequent, so there may be times when there is no toilet paper or the facilities are dirty.

If you make a mess, please clean up after yourself to ensure everyone can use the facilities comfortably. The water in the hand-washing area comes from a tank, so please do not drink it. (It will eventually be replaced with rainwater collection.)

There are no designated toilet areas at the climbing spots. During winter, visibility increases as the foliage dies back, limiting private areas. Please use the parking lot facilities before heading to the cliffs and consider bringing portable toilets.

The base of Kurokumoiwa and the Eastern Wall (see guidebook for location) have sometimes been used as toilets, but these are also hiking paths used by non-climbers. Please refrain from such behavior in the future.

Handling of Fire and Cooking Stoves

In the past, a climber’s fire at Kabutoyama caused a forest fire. (The fire started when they burned toilet paper after rest.)

The Kofu Basin is extremely dry in winter, and Kabutoyama’s cliffs are covered in dry leaves, making the handling of fire extremely dangerous. To prevent future fires, we ask that you refrain from bringing gas stoves, lighters, or cigarettes to the area as much as possible.

About Night Bouldering

There are no specific regulations. But,just behave with common sense and in a respectful manner.

Entering Private Property

The climbing area is located within a prefectural forest. However, the area between points (4) to (7) on the access map, southeast of the road, belongs to the golf course. Please refrain from entering private property.

Risk of Falling Rocks

The Eastern Area beyond Otemon consists of tiered rock formations, with hiking trails above the cliffs, creating constant danger from human-induced rockfall. In Kabutoyama, holds frequently break off during climbs, so please remain alert to the possibility of rockfall and be mindful of where you rest. Take precautions to avoid causing rockfall yourself.

Additionally, rockfall frequently occurs from the golf course slopes during the approach, particularly after snowfall when trees may fall as well. Please be cautious when parking or passing near the slopes.

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Kabutoyama Climbing Area Information

climbing in Kabutoyama
climbing in Kabutoyama
climbing in Kabutoyama
climbing in Kabutoyama
climbing in Kabutoyama
climbing in Kabutoyama
climbing in Kabutoyama
climbing in Kabutoyama
climbing in Kabutoyama
climbing in Kabutoyama
climbing in Kabutoyama
climbing in Kabutoyama
climbing in Kabutoyama
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Kabutoyama is one of the leading climbing areas in the central Yamanashi region, known for its easy access from Fuefuki city, its sunny conditions even in the depths of winter, and its many unique routes that have made it a highly popular climbing spot.

While route information had long been kept private, recent developments, including the addition of new routes and bouldering areas, have led to the publication of a climbing guide that makes this information publicly available.

With this public release, local rules regarding parking, the use of fire, and other guidelines have been established. Please make sure to confirm these before using the area.

Basic Information


107 lead routes, 81 bouldering problems

Rock Type


Season for climbimg

November to May

【Autumn】As the fall foliage intensifies, the climbing season begins in earnest. Once the leaves begin to fall, the climbing areas become brighter and more pleasant.

【Winter】Most areas are on south-facing slopes sheltered from the north wind. Once the sun comes out, it's very warm, making winter the best season for climbing in Kabutoyama. When the rivers dry up in winter, riverside bouldering becomes available.

【Spring】Kabutoyama is also beautiful in spring, with new greenery and peach blossoms. During Golden Week, it is often less crowded as many climbers go to other areas. After that, bugs increase, and the humidity makes climbing less suitable.


Kasugai Town, Fuefuki City, Yamanashi Prefecture

How to get there

By Train

Get off at JR Chuo Line Kasugaicho Station. About 15 minutes by taxi (around 2,200 yen). It's about 20 minutes from Yamanashi-shi Station.

By Car (from Tokyo)

Exit the Chuo Expressway at Ichinomiya-Misaka IC, head toward Isawa/Misaka. Stay in the right lane, continue towards Tsuchiyama Interchange (Route 411), and turn left at Kasugaicho Elementary School intersection. Drive straight for about 1km, passing under the ShimoIwashita Ramp and following the signs for Kasuga Golf Club.

By Car (from Matsumoto)

Exit the Chuo Expressway at Kofu-Showa IC, head toward Shosenkyo. Drive north on Route 5, then turn left onto Route 6 at the intersection near the General Sports Ground. Enter the Seikanto Road and exit at either ShimoIwashita or Shizume Ramp. Head north towards Kasuga Golf Club.

Route to the Area

①【From ShimoIwashita Ramp】Head straight following the signs for Kasuga Golf Club entrance.

②【From Shizume Ramp】After passing under the overpass, turn left at the intersection.

③ Just past the white building about 50m beyond the sign, turn left and continue along the road.

④ About 100m before the golf course entrance, follow the sign for Kabutoyama Trailhead to the right.

⑤ There is a boar protection fence (gate). Open it to pass through (and close it after passing).

⑥ Continue along the road next to the golf course, and at the junction, turn right.

⑦ At the second junction, where the Kannon statue is the landmark, turn right again, cross the small bridge, and you’ll reach the parking lot.

Local Rules and Guidelines for Using the Area


Parking is the biggest concern at Kabutoyama, and several incidents have occurred in the past. To avoid new issues now that the area is open to the public, please follow the guidelines below.

▶ Use the trailhead parking lot as much as possible. Kabutoyama is famous as one of the "100 Famous Mountains of Yamanashi," so be mindful that hikers and other non-climbers also use the parking lot. Avoid improper parking, reserving spaces (placing items in spaces ahead of time), or monopolizing parking spots.

▶ On weekends, parking fills up quickly, so it is recommended to carpool. A convenient meeting spot is Kasugai Sports Park (bottom left of the access map).

▶ Do not park in the space in front of the Kannon statue, as it is used for turning vehicles around.

▶ Do not park in front of the gate on the forest road.


There is a public restroom at the trailhead parking lot. It is managed by Fuefuki City, but cleaning and inspections are not frequent, so sometimes there may be no toilet paper or it may be dirty when you need to use it.

If you make a mess, please clean it up and ensure that everyone can use it comfortably. The water in the sink is stored in a tank, so do not drink it. (The system will be changed to rainwater collection in the future.)

There are no designated toilets at any of the climbing areas. During the winter, visibility is high due to the lack of foliage, so there are few private spots. Please use the toilet at the parking lot before heading to the crag, and consider bringing a portable toilet.

It appears that the base of Kokumo Iwa and the East Wall (refer to the guidebook for area locations) is sometimes used as a toilet, but these areas are also trails used by hikers, so please refrain from using them for that purpose in the future.

Handling Fire & Use of Stoves

In the past, climbers have caused a wildfire at Kabutoyama due to mishandling fire (the cause was burning toilet paper after use, which spread the fire).

The Kofu Basin is extremely dry in winter, and there is always a build-up of dry leaves at Kabutoyama. It is crucial to handle fire with care here. To prevent another fire, we ask that you avoid bringing gas stoves, lighters, or cigarettes whenever possible.

Night Bouldering

There are no specific regulations. Please act responsibly and with common sense.

Entering Private Land

The climbing area is located within a prefectural forest. However, the area between points 4 and 7 on the access map is all private land, owned by the golf club. Please do not enter this area without permission.

Falling Rock Hazards

The eastern area from Otemon is composed of layered rock and climbing routes located above hiking trails, making falling rock a constant risk. Holds also break off frequently at Kabutoyama, so always be mindful of the risk of falling rocks and choose your resting spots carefully.

Additionally, rocks frequently fall from the slopes of the golf course along the approach trail. This is especially dangerous after snowfall, so please be cautious when passing under these slopes or parking near them.

The Topo for This Area
Kabutoyama Climbing Guide

¥3,300 (tax included)

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